Kevin Dedmon

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5 Paths To Becoming A Firestarter

1.  Passion Pledged

Christians are normally either motivated by guilt or passion.  Guilt says, “You have to be a Firestarter.”  Passion says, “You get to be a Firestarter.”  Becoming a Firestarter is not succumbing to a guilt trip, but pursuing passion – a hunger and thirst for the “Fire” of God – His presence starting a fire in us.  Firestarters is not a “have to,” but a “get to.” Being a Firestarter is simply allowing His fire to grow in us everyday.  It is cultivating passion.  Joel Osteen observes that, “One of the main reasons that we lose our enthusiasm in life is because we get so accustomed to his goodness it becomes a routine..”  Firestarters stay hungry and thirsty for God’s goodness to become manifest in them and through them.


2.  Purpose Pursuit

If we aim at nothing, we will most likely hit it.  Rick Warren states that,“Without a purpose, life is a motion without meaning, activity without direction, and events without reason.  Without a purpose, life is trivial, petty, and pointless.” Becoming a Firestarter is simply focusing on the fire.  Firestarters are not more gifted, anointed, “holy,” or pure, than anyone else.  No, Firestarters are simply pursuing the fire.  Firestarters have made their purpose pursuing God’s presence demonstrated in practical signs and wonders, miracles, healing, and prophetic expressions that communicate God’s powerful and passionate fiery love. 


3.  Power Possessed

Firestarters seek to demonstrate God’s love the way that Jesus does – through a demonstration of power that proves His love and care.  Bill Johnson says, “We owe the world an encounter.” Firestarters are possessed by an encounter of God’s fiery powerful presence that releases an encounter of God’s fiery powerful presence to others around us in supernatural ways that help them.


4.  Persistent Practice

Competency only comes through continual, persistent practice.  Firestarters are not perfect, but are willing to continue to take risk in starting fires.  The pathway of risk is the primary way we step into our supernatural destiny as Firestarters.  Firestarters do not give up when they have setbacks or disappointments.  No, Firestarters continue to learn and grow in a supernatural lifestyleJack Hayford once said, “We don’t fail when we fall, but we only fail when we fail to get back up.”  Firestarters get back up and try again.


5.  Pledged Perseverance

Disappointment and discouragement are two common reasons Firestarters are sometimes detained and derailed from their supernatural destiny.  Firestarters have pledged to make the Firestarter Curriculum a lifestyle rather than just a class event.  Certainly the Firestarter Curriculum is essential in providing the foundation for stepping into supernatural ministry, but pledging to persevere in spite of setbacks and obstacles is key to becoming a life-long Firestarter.  Anyone can do something for a season, but Firestarters have chosen a life path.  That’s what I love about people like Heidi Baker, Mother Theresa, Reinhard Bonnke, and John Wimber.  They pledged to persevere.

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