How To Start Fires


Many Christians pray for years that revival would come to their church, community, and personal lives.  They are devoted to praying for God’s presence to come in power.  They are part of prayer meetings that cry out for God to bring the fires of revival to their land.  They continually contend for God “to do it again” for their generation.  And on and on it goes without experiencing the breakthrough they long for.

I believe that it is time for us to experience “the more” that God has for each and every one of us, as well as in our churches and communities.  I believe that this is a “Now” time for the fires of revival to spread across our land into every heart.  

It is time for Firestarters.

I believe God wants to equip, empower, and activate Firestarters to receive and release the presence and power of God in revival fashion that engulfs our nation and the world.  

"God wants us to have an encounter, so that we become an encounter, so that others can have an encounter."  

In other words, God wants to consume us in His fiery passionate love, so that we look, speak, and do, what He does — representing Him fully through a demonstration of signs and wonders, miracles, healing, and prophetic insights, that represent His kindness and love that leads to repentance and transformation.

So, how does one go about starting a fire that will become a wildfire that will bring about the level of revival that we desire?  How do we become a Firestarter?

Step 1 in Starting a Fire

Collect the Wood

A fire can only start where there is enough fuel to get it going.  We need wood in order to start a fire.  We need resources.  Too many attempt to start a fire with what they currently have at their disposal.  Sure, reading Scripture, prayer, attending worship services are instrumental in providing a foundation for a fire, but we also need the anointing of the Holy Spirit.

On the day of Pentecost, the early Church was conducting a worship service, praying continually and reminding themselves of the promise of Scripture for revival, but it wasn’t until the Holy Spirit showed up that the fire started.

We need to find anointed wood.

Sometimes that requires traveling to collect what is not ready available in the place where we live.  Bill Johnson points out that, “Wise men still travel.” The wise men who searched for Jesus on that first Christmas, realized they did not have enough where they were – so they went to go get it — Him.

God wants us to have an encounter, so that we become an encounter, so that others can have an encounter.

I’m not suggesting that you leave your church or community in search of some revival hot spot.  On the other hand, I am encouraging you to go and visit a church or city where revival is taking place, collect some of their wood/resources, and then bring it back to start a fire where you live. Places like Bethel Church in Redding, California, Harvest Rock, in Pasadena, California, Airport Christian Fellowship in Toronto, Canada, IHOP in Kansas City, Missouri are just a few of the places where you can find good revival wood to burn with. Attending schools like Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry, Global School of Supernatural Ministry, Harvest School of Missions, as well as conferences in which revival themes are taught and practiced are essential in getting the resources you need to start wild fires where you live.

Step 2 in Starting a Fire

Apply Lighter Fluid

The oil of joy/gladness is the best fuel for lighting fires (Hebrews 1:8,9).  Cultivating revival is best done in and through God’s presence — not a program.  In His presence is fullness of joy (Psalm 16:11).  It makes sense then that God is going to respond to His children who are welcoming Him with celebration, laughter, and thankfulness.  Nehemiah was adamant on this point when he told the Israelites to stop mourning and grieving in their pursuit of God, but rather, celebrate with party foods and drink.  He commanded them to laugh because the joy of the Lord is where our empowerment comes (Nehemiah 8:1-13; Psalm 126).I want to encourage you to try and get happy in God’s presence the next time you are praying for revival as though God really does want to show up and do good things in your midst.  He is smiling on you, dancing around you, and enthusiastically happy to reveal His goodness by healing, prophesying, and setting people free to know their true identity and destiny. Applying laughter to your prayers is a sure way of lighting the fire of revival.

Step 3 in Starting a Fire

Strike the match

We will never have a fire without risk.  At some point we have to light the fire.  God has given us the catalyst for revival, but we must do our part in striking the match.  Mike Bickle once said, “Christians are oftentimes taught well beyond their obedience.” We can talk about revival until the second coming, but until we take some risk to release revival in our midst, we will never experience the fullness of God’s presence and power that we so desperately want and need.  Striking the match looks like prophesying over someone even when you don’t feel the unction or ability to do so.  I can’t tell you how many times I have begun a prophetic word with, “I believe the Lord wants you to know…”, and then get the download for the rest of it.  Too many times we are waiting for the word before we step out into a revival lifestyle, when God is waiting for us to step out, strike the match, so that He can light the fire.

Firestarter Instruction Guide

1.  Collect as many revival resources as you can to add to your fire.

2.  Add the fuel of joy, gladness, and laughter to your revival prayers

3.  Take some risk in striking the match to release revival by prophesying or healing someone

I would love to hear some testimonies about how you have started some fires in your church and community. 

Happy Firestarting!  

To purchase the Firestarters program today click here!


The Art Of Dreaming


5 Paths To Becoming A Firestarter